

Ehime Design Week 2025

The “Ehime Design Week” event, organized by Ehime Prefecture, will host the “Creators’ Meetup to Imagine the Future of Ehime” on Friday, March 14, 2025. On this occasion, Yukari Sato, a representative of Requ, will be speaking.


This forum and meetup will bring together several guests, including world-renowned architect Toyo Ito and other experts in the creative and innovation fields, to discuss the future.

During the third session, moderated by Kenichiro Mogi, a discussion will occur on the theme “Ehime Creators and the Future.” The exchanges promise to be insightful, thanks to the diverse expertise and experiences of the speakers.

📌 **Third session: “Ehime Creators and the Future”**
MC: Kenichiro Mogi
– Toyo Ito
– Astrid Klein
– Toshihiro Yano
– Yumi Takahashi
– Satoshi Ninomiya
– Yukari Sato
– Keiji Matsuda

🎟 Online registration is available for those who wish to participate.